L4 Scientific Buoy

As part of the NERC Oceans 2025 programme in 2007, PML were awarded a capital grant to build autonomous buoys for the long-term stations at L4 and E1. In 2020 PML were awarded funding through the European Regional Development Fund to deliver innovation support to Devon based industries, which included funds for a new buoy platform at the L4 station.

The buoy has been upgraded to a 4 m diameter platform which stands over 5m above the sea surface. The buoy has been designed and built to have high power generation and plug and play capability for sensor integration. A significant upgrade is the autonomous water column profiling capability, which deploys a sensor payload through the water column at pre-determined intervals. This capability exists on only a handful of platforms in the world and certainly unique in the UK.


800 Watts of Solar panels and two 350 W wind turbines, which charge 1000 Ah battery storage.


Steatite Wave Relay meshed network, which provides high bandwidth connectivity between PML and the buoy.


Profiling measurements include sea temperature, salinity (calculated from Conductivity), depth, dissolved Oxygen, Chlorophyll a, turbidity, and Coloured Dissolved Organic Material (CDOM).

Surface measurements include pH, pCO2, atmospheric CO2 analyser, Ultrasonic 3D wind speed and direction sensor, water column currents (measured via ADCP, both on the buoy and on the seabed close to the L4 station), wave data, and a small volume water sampler (150ml x 24 bottles)

Atmospheric Measurements:

A Met Office weather sensor measuring air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, sunlight intensity (PAR)

The L4 buoy has been designed and is available to use as a platform for technological development. PML has a long history of working with academia and industry to develop and test new senor technologies and the L4 buoy is an ideal test platform.


Webcam L4 (North)

Webcam L4 image

Webcam L4 (South)

Webcam L4 image

Latest L4 data readings (50°15.0'N; 4°13.0'W)

Buoy automatic position given as DD.ddd where:

DD degrees, ddd decimal degrees

Latitude: 50.250 °Longitude: -4.217 °
Wind direction: 231.7 °Sea temperature: 15.3 °C
Wind speed: 9.9 ms-1Salinity: -10.00
Pressure: 1026 mb Oxygen: -999.0 μM
PAR: -10 W m-2Chlorophyll: -9.99 mg m-3
Air temperature: 14.9 °CTurbidity: -9.99 NTU
Sig. wave height: 2.9 mMax. wave height: 6.20 m
Peak wave period: 2.7 sWave Direction 230 °

Last Reading taken at: 7.00 GMT on 22/10/2024

* Readings of -10 indicate missing data

Click here to download preliminary data. Final, quality controlled data are available on request. The meteorological parameters for this buoy are also available from the UK Met Office

Latest Buoy Position

Last 7 days met data

Windspeed and direction

Windspeed and direction chart


Pressure chart

Air temperature and humidity

Air temperature and PAR chart

Wave Height

Waves height chart

Wave Period

Waves period chart


Wave currents chart Wave currents chart

Latest year in context

Temperature and Salinity

Temperature and Salinity chart

Oxygen, Fluorescence and Turbidity

Oxygen, Fluorescence and Turbidity chart

Nitrate and CDOM

Nitrate and CDOM chart

The WCO is a partnership between Plymouth Marine Laboratory and The Marine Biological Association.
